Dear St. Andrew’s,
Sunday 10 a.m. (live-streamed at
Basketball is not made for the bench. The bench is made for basketball. In the game of basketball, sitting on the bench gives rest so that energy can be restored and used for scoring and winning. On the bench, people get water, give high fives, and learn about upcoming plays. It is a part of the game that is crucial to winning. Imagine being the star of an NBA team in the championship finals. What you do when you come to the bench is key. How much of a break you take, how much information you get, and how much energy you spend encouraging others, both on the bench and on the floor, is pivotal. These choices make the difference between winning and losing. In extended breaks, like those between regular play and over-time, how you keep your heart-rate up is also important. These are the things that stars think about, and do.
You, as Christians, are the stars of our world. You are saved by grace, called to serve. The whole world is taking a break while our medical professionals are sprinting up and down the court. Most of the world is in some form of quarantine and on the bench. You will remember how you act in this moment for the rest of your lives. This is way more than a championship. And you are more than a sports star, you are a beloved of God.
On the bench make sure you are talking and reaching out to your teammates collectively. Please see this previous email for ideas. Community is not just about individual phone calls. It is about coordinated love. This is not just about talking with the person next to you on the bench. This is about the whole defense, or offense, of an NBA team working together as a group. This is about the Altar Guild, Pantry, Coffee Hour, Stephen Ministers, etc. functioning together as groups. This is about communal action.
On the bench, make sure you are taking time for worship and refreshment. How you are with your family is crucial. Please see the same previous email for ideas about how to worship with your family. In a way, each family is now a mini church and St. Andrew’s is a facilitating organization. Therefore, we have added resources for children here, and a nightly service for all called Compline. Our schedule is fluid and below.
· Nightly Compline 9 p.m. (Starting soon, live-streamed at
· Saturday at 5:30 p.m. (clergy only)
· Sunday at 8 a.m. (clergy only)
· Sunday at 10 a.m. (live-streamed at
· Wednesday at 10 a.m. (clergy only)
· Palm Sunday – Sunday, April 5, at 10 a.m. (Tentative: Please have a large bowl and towels available)
· Good Friday – Friday, April 10 at noon (Tentative: Please designate 14 locations in your home that can be used as stations of the Cross, live-streamed at
· Easter Sunday – Sunday, April 12, at 10 a.m. (Tentative: Please have bread and wine available, please set your dining room table as elegantly as possible, live-streamed at
On the bench, look at the game plan, strategize, teach and learn. Form plans about how St. Andrew’s might serve. Don’t let these ideas just come from you. Listen to God, listen to the coach. Really hear God. I know you are tired and worn out. I empathize, but do not let this strategic time on the bench go to waste. Dive deep into God’s plan of salvation. Engage the Word. Engage strategies communally. Individual game plans are not very effective, and not all good ideas come from the rector. Each NBA player does not look at the “x”s and “o”s on a clipboard individually. They tell each other the plan so they can check themselves and internalize it for themselves. Have a conversation about prayer with multiple pewmates, read the Bible together as a Choir or as Lay Readers. As Christians, you are the stars of our community. Be prepared.
Finally, this is likely to be a longer timeout. Make sure you keep your spiritual and giving heart rate up. You will not be able to act and give in the same way during this time out. Do not let this timeout prevent you from acting and giving though. That is a recipe for failure. Practice giving in your family. Practice giving on the bench. Keep your spiritual heart rate up. Full court sprints are not called for at this time. They are sure to be called for soon. Our world is about to experience extreme pain. Riding the stationary bike on the side is what is called for in this moment. Pump those legs. Keep your heart soft. Exercise this muscle of giving and action. The world needs its star players to be ready to hit the floor running when we get back in the game. Do not atrophy. Your team needs you. Please see the same previous email for ideas about how to take action and give. Also, consider giving online at or text giving by texting “Andrew $##” to 73256 (e.g. “Andrew $50”). We are saved by grace, called to serve.
Peace in Christ,